Once upon a time, in a land, far, far away…
there was a time when Robotropolis was beautiful. It was then a peaceful city
known as Mobotropolis. It was filled with full of happiness, plenty of people
walking around, birds chirping in the early sunrise upon the shades of blue
with dark purple clouds with bright pink lighting underneath for the rising
sun. The church bells have already rung, for it’s a wedding day. Keep in mind
there’s no wars to start; it’s just calm and as innocent as a midsummer’s day.
It was before anything else could go wrong with back then.
I was born on New Year’s Day to our royal
parents – the king and queen. They were blessed with my birth. And throughout
the whole land, our people were all happy with the celebration. Our family
raised me, and soon my little sister came along after a while. Our generation
turned out to be a success for the kingdom.
When I was eight, my sister woke me up in the
middle of the night. She was five years old and was a bit rowdy about playing
outside. “Hey, sissy.” she asked, “Do you want to play ball with me?”
“Not now, Elissa. Not now.” I moaned
softly, like I don’t feel like getting up, “My parents told you not to go
outside after dark. It’s dangerous.”
“Pretty please… I just want you to
do something to show up. It’ll make you feel happy and fine.”
I sighed. “Fine, alright I’ll get up
then.” I woke up very steady and slowly from the bed. Elissa and I go out of my
bedroom for a walk down the hallway, down the stairs and the next thing you
know, we went outside to play with the ball. We ran around in circles, thus
chasing each other, we catch fireflies, we counted stars while lying on the
ground, and all of the sudden; the unknown mysterious thing came up from the
middle of nowhere underneath the ground there. It made me fall unconscious when
a beam of a bright light unzips the darkness in the ebony black-navy blue
night. This is what we now realize is the first step to dystopia in the years
to come. It disappeared like magic afterward, that Elissa reacted very scary
and intense to see me die in injury. I was not dead; I was even unaware of
what’s coming for a while in the future.
“Sissy…” Elissa said in remorse. She
walks slowly, “…sissy…” she said it again in quiet tone. She was a distance
away from me – perhaps seven yards away from me. “…sister…sis.” she whispered
in the quietest tone ever imagined. She approached me in a few baby steps for a
moment. Then came silence for one second. After complete silence, she starts to
scream bloody murder and ran toward me. She starts to cry. “Sissy… please, come
back… Aleena!” She feels the slight pulse of me, and then touches my forehead
and panics for help. “I’m gonna tell mommy and daddy about this.” She backs
away from me and she went back inside the palace. She goes back upstairs, went
back in the hallway and wakes up her parents knowing that something wrong has
happened to me. There’s nothing wrong that would not have happened to our royal
family if we slept a bit longer and that the dark mysterious thing could’ve
skipped us.
My parents woke up, feeling worried about
what’s going on the outside that had been occurred recently. They make haste to
see if I’m dead. They feel my slight pulse and then touch my forehead. It
appears that I somewhat became sick. Some say I was in a deep sleep, but others
say that I look dead to them. My time’s running out, I grew worse; my father
King Tristan went to the dungeon and research for the cure. He found the
legendary golden white pointe settias potion that can cure all disease. He took
us; his wife Gloriana, my sister Elissa and me with him on a long way from
home. They went up further north, which can lead them to the North Cap where
the Oracle of Delphius lives.
While we were there, the Oracle revealed what’s
coming in the next thirteen years. I wasn’t even aware of what happened in the
next thirteen years of my life. I was not even sure of how many kids I will
have when he said it to my parents at first. He also revealed what’s happening
within the next thirteen years to his parents, by saying, “In the next few
years, you will not survive to see both of your daughters come of age, marry
and have children. You will be perished by tyranny. Your firstborn will be
Queen, your second born will be off to college and beyond until her first child
was born. Within many years’ time, they and their children will form the
Council of Six along with a number of other co-members. Someday after that,
somebody’s reign of tyranny will end. There is a price your Royal Majesties.”
He took me away from my family and set me down
upon dark, cold solid ground. Along with him, he took the healing potion from
my father. He anointed me with the potion and touched my forehead using the
chant of healing:
“Pretiosa, nitorem et ardent,
Luceat vestra potential.
Reverse tempore retro.
Reportat quod cum dicitur mihi,
Quid mihi cum dicitur.
Sana quod vulnerata,
Change fata verum design.
Nisi quod amissum.
Reportat quod cum dicitur mihi,
Quid mihi cum dicitur.”
I woke up in a stir. “Where am I?
What happened? Where did everybody go?” I slowly got up from something
underneath me. It turns out to be a cot with pegs.
“You’re at the North Cap. You had
been unaware of what your children was going to be in store for you to handle
with, but your royal family was all going back home without you in order for me
to heal you with legendary magic.”
“Who are you? How can you know that
I’m Aleena and what are you talking about?”
“I am the Oracle of Delphius. I am
just seeing you for the first time, so this is your new home in case your
parents put you in a world away from your family.”
“It’s nice to meet you… Oracle.”
“Nice to meet you too, Your
I stayed there for a while.
Seven years had passed; my parents
and their army went out for the invasion. Eventually, the evil Dr. Robotnik and
his army slayed them all and capsized our kingdom. They all died trying to
defeat Robotnik from getting into the fall. The fall of our kingdom era had
just begun as I return home on a white horse to my parents’ funeral and their
army’s memorial service after a long time with all of the good magic happening.
Our people were all mourning for those who have lost their lives in action.
They lament with their candles burning, knowing the fall happens and in the end,
they will abandon our kingdom to communism, forgetfulness, and complete
dystopia. Our despair had been increased. I missed Elissa so much for over
halfway there throughout these thirteen years, I’ve ever been progressed
through my life. The happiness, peace, and love slowly fade away overtime.
A year and eight days later, the
coronation day happened. Our people come to our palace to kneel down before me
in a splendid pomp and circumstance. The pope crowned me, anointed me – it
reminds me of the Oracle who anointed me with magic a while back, handed me a
scepter and orb, and I was acclaimed as the queen as of the following in which
only the pope had said to our people:
“As she holds the Holy Properties,
and is crowned in this holy place, I present to you… Queen Aleena of Mobius.”
Our people said in an energetic tone
of voices: “Long Live the Queen! Hear ye! Hear ye! Hear ye! Long live Queen
Aleena!” They all cheered as the ceremony ends. Shortly after the coronation, I
sent Elissa off to boarding school in the world far away from home, different
from what I’ve been there for years. For four years, my company built Hanging
Gardens, Mobodoon, and other places that inspired me.
Then, I got married, and over a year
later, my children were conceived at Christmas Island. Not the real-life island
at the distance off of Australia with 2,072 people, the no man’s island. It’s
just the two of us in the tropical rainforest. Thirteen days later, my husband
died, and for the rest of my pregnancy, I carried them. In the last push of the
fall, I gave birth to them.
They were all born healthy and fatherless – ten
tiny fingers, _____ perfect little toes. I’m now a mother to triplets. The fall of the kingdom ended
and it’s moving on to the forsaken eternal being because the happiness of the
blessing with the beginning of the next generation in the monarchy was
But just after my children were
born, the evil Dr. Robotnik used his technology to turn our world into a place
of terror. Our people scream and run for shelter, knowing it’s the end of the
world. Airplanes shoot quadium bombs at our kingdom like a futuristic
Holocaust. They even invaded our national parks by sending a blimp that shades
the sun, passing through – it turns into dystopia like magic for example: the
monuments turn into a big metro city, the water fountain dries up, the trees
were polluted by smoke, and even the King Acorn statue crumbles to the ground.
It was the darkest times in Mobotropolis, as well as one of them in all of
We’re not quite done yet. A young
human couple in their early twenties has a picnic together to enjoy the sunny
day while they are watching the sky as many ships that follow the star
destroyer began to shoot somewhere else. The beautiful landscape of
Windsevarmore emerges from a bright blue sky, the sun shines against the void.
A tiny old-fashioned airplane firing bullets from the back races through the
sky. It is pursued by a big starship. Hundreds of laser bolts streak from the
starship, causing the wing to disintegrate. An explosion shakes the ground as
the human army remains standing in position, all ready for battle.
As the source of Robotnik’s money,
the aristocrats were left to play, toast, drink, and party without a care in
the world; while our people were roboticized and became slaves. At least my old
friend was safe from harm’s way. And I had to admit from Jeb Batchelder that
keeping the weapons at the School, in California was a good idea, though it
requires some sacrifices. It was the days when Jeb could still persuade someone
to put our faith in God’s hands rather than the Oracle and Itex. It was all
that used to matter something new that now my children’s well-being wasn’t the
only concern. Their destinies were mapped out before them – all their flaws, predispositions
and susceptibilities – most untreatable to our dead monarchy. Only minutes old
and their life expectancies were infinite. How ridiculous is that? It’s time
for me and my children to move on with our lives, for I have no family.
“Name? For the birth certificates.”
“Mickey Alexander Pendragon…
Elizabeth Bella Pendragon… and Forrest Anton Pendragon.”
With a ballpoint pen, Jeb signs his
papers on a clipboard.
Back in the battleground, many
robots were being retreated as humans were shooting at the robots and their
ships while some people were “sacrificed” to the death. Among the dark green
forest of scarification, soldiers advance through blackberry bushes. They prod
at the stepping stone; they roll over to get at the pebble from the creek. Only
then do they see the mockingbird from the treetops, rather they see the three
swords in the stone the Oracle located at, and they stop, amazed and afraid all
at once. Their commanders appear. One soldier sees what they are strong at, and
races to the blue sword and attempts to pull it out. He strains with all his
might, but it is impossible to move.
“Let me!” another soldier cried.
He shoves a soldier aside, but he
can’t loosen the sword either, and he rages with frustration. Overall, our
world was without the goodness and all hope is lost to Robotnik’s power and
dignity. However, there’s only one remnant of the redemption from slavery that
has been stored for future use – it had to be of us in protection from harm.
Later, at a hideout, our royal family
was outlawed; a price placed on our heads. The room was dimly-lit with candles
not used in nearly a hundred years. I was wearing only a chemise and locket,
watching over my children in cradles of each one. They were all sleeping
peacefully, but Mickey starts to cry. I picked up Mickey from the cradle and I
open my shift of the outfit I’m only wearing right now. I thrust Mickey onto my
swollen breast and nursed him. He suckled, and then I sat on the porch seat
next to the youngest two. The medallions start to go aglow from my spare
children, the curtains of the old window the same iridescent green-black as the
crow’s feathers that were perched by the window upon the cloudy night sky. The
glow increases from the fraction of an atom to the size of their pendants.
Mickey’s glow of the medallion went from nothing to the same size as where the
glowing medallions were at from earlier. Now my time has come to seek the
Oracle again, I have to bring my children with me; but the glow had been
increased in size by maximum power. Many hidden fugitives wake up in the middle
of the night from dark shelters just in time to see that the price was already
placed on our heads.
“Hey, who turned on the lights?”
someone outside the hideout said. Nobody knows who, what, where, when, why and
how did the price was placed on our heads; they were so confused that no words
may describe that shocking light. It is neither the flare that accidentally
burned the house from a candle, nor did the light bulb that went off for the
last time. It takes many moments to turn it off slowly and gradually.
The light completely changes from
the bright tri-color of blue, pink and green to the magical aquamarine-green
glow. The glow comes from the Oracle. The people’s reaction was switched from
fear to awestruck wonder. The events of the light take on a calm turn from a
haunted spot to a northern light show. One kid climbs up the ladder without her
parents’ supervision saying, “I want to see what’s in that building with the
most lights.” She looks at the window and there I am – snuggling my children to
sleep, doing a lullaby.
“It must be them…” she startled as
she grew curious about us. There have to do with nothing wrong about all of the
distractions, which she climbs down a ladder carefully and steady to go back
home, and tell her parents of what have been of all about them. Her parents
don’t feel like getting up, she takes them to the hideout building and upstairs
to where the glow occurs – too late. We are all disappeared into the North Cap
for a revisit with my children to the Oracle. I was clothed in a hood and next
to me were three baskets (containing one child each) while we’re summoned to
the Oracle’s place. It’s like a welcome home and quick visit, but a deadly fate
was yet to be shown.
Then, the Oracle of Delphius
revealed a prophecy to me, in details and description – he waved his hand as he
spoke to me: “Someday, you will reunite with your children to become the
Council of Four…” as he spoke more, he showed an prosperous image: me and my
children ruling the land; there we are sometime in the future, walking upstairs
to the main entrance of my old home: “…and overthrow Robotnik. But there is a
price, Your Highness.”
I’m not quite sure how many more
people in the future that will participate as co-members of the Council of
Four. That will be quite as numerous as about twenty. But the point is that my
sister Elissa and her baby are going to be the first two co-members to join us.
Someday, I will see her again with her child all grown-up, but this is why my
sister and I will always be on the run without our children.
“Oracle, so um… what are you going
to rename them to protect their birth names?”
“I’m going to call Mickey ‘Sonic’,
Elizabeth ‘Sonia’ and Forrest ‘Manic’.”
“Sonic, Sonia and Manic? Okay,
thanks for coming.”
For the prophecy to be fulfilled, I
had to give up my babies. I patted their heads and looked sadly at them knowing
this is probably the last time I’ll ever see my sparlings. I chose my firstborn
to stay with me for a bit longer just in time to see his cousin for the first
time in forever. The Oracle will have more information coming up once when I
got things taken care of and get a relationship recovered with Elissa. Although
I love my children, I had to put them up for adoption in order to make it
happen; but I hate it when it happens – it’s so sad to see them go.
I picked up my little girl and
teleport from one world to another. The world far, far away from mine and my
sister’s. The place where humans roam freely. This is where Jeb lives: Planet
Earth. Earth is the planet where the Itex was located and the School is making
hybrid experiments, technology wasn’t far from where it’s at right now –
they’re planning to combine the experiments from DNA years from now. Back then,
the School and Itex used to be known as the workplace station in which people
go to work and test samples for DNA since 1985 (the year Microsoft made Windows
1.0). Jeb used to work at the former School as a boss to co-workers. These
places were now six years old. But sadly, it’s been transformed into a hybrid
people’s place for testing stats years later.
Even though Maximum Ride, the Flock,
and the Erasers doesn’t exist, the mad scientists back then used to worked as
both co-workers and test sample managers. Some mad scientists used to work as
investigators and others just plainly work in labs studying and researching
scientific stuff. Some mad scientists used to be athletic for exercising safely
and correctly, while others were already lazy enough to use the antique,
classic Windows computer for work. It was long before 2050, but that is exactly
what the School and Itex were like before the angel and wolf experiments came
In the Austen-Victorian bygone area of
Chicago, Illinois, I ran toward a fancy house. I rung the bell and waited. When
the door opened, an immortal young woman whose species was 98% human 2% bird
came and saw me.
“Hello, who is it?” she said with a
British accent.
“It’s me, Aleena. I had to give
Sonia away to you. What’s your name?”
“I am called Lady Windimere; you may
call me Ms. Kingsley if you like.”
In sadness and grief, I sang one
last lullaby before I leave her with the baby on arms. It goes like this:
“Anata no naki o tomete kuru,
Sore wa daijōbudarou,
Sore wa taitona,
Watashi wa anata no mawarino subete kara
Anata o mamotte kureru hōrudo,
Watashi no te o tori kite,
Watashi wa koko ni narimasu,
Anata wa nakanaide.”
I sob as I gave Sonia away to Ms.
Kingsley; I kissed her forehead and ran for my life.
Minutes later, at Miami, Florida,
Esme watched me knock on the door. I placed the basket near the door and ran
quickly. Then, Esme ran and took the basket I left behind before the door
opened. When the door opened, the gypsy gasped that she didn’t find anything
and closed it.
At a poverty-like, poor one-story
home, Esme placed the basket down near her boyfriend whose species is a
half-werehog half-human hybrid.
“Farrell, here is something for you
to appreciate.”
“Let me see, Esme.”
When he opened the cover, there was
Manic, baby-talking at Farrell. He smiled and turned to Esme.
“Honey, what is it?”
“It’s a boy.”
“I can’t believe we never have
children before. Now our family is complete, looks like that’ll be it for our
home to deal with.”
Esme nodded and backed away from the
basket as Farrell picks up Manic from the basket and snuggled him with love to
sleep. And that’s how my youngest two children went inside their new homes for
the very first time in their lives.
Check Out Chapter 1 on the Next Post!